[Setup-tool-hackers] Service control backend and fw backend

I think this didn't get to the list. Just in case, anyways:

SyS V service routines (status/start/stop) are already in, but for
different purposes. Remember the Ximian Setup Tools are oriented towards
end-user workstations, so service control is not a priority. I think it
would be quite easy to do such a tool (maybe a week hack), but it's on the
"only by contribution" priority.

The firewall stuff you've been talking about sounds great, but I would
urge you to start from the backend, and face the problem of setting up the
same rules for the different fw tools (ipfwadmin, ipchains, iptables and
any others that may come, uncluding other unices).

You should see what kinds of rules can be set with all systems and
determine an XML that describes the rules, in a platform-independent way.
Then start coding the backend. I recommend you this order because once the
backend is ready for the first time, it won't be prone to much
modification (if you do it the right way). On the other hand, the frontend
can go through lots of reshaping before it reachs an acceptable design.


setup-tool-hackers maillist  -  setup-tool-hackers@ximian.com

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