[Snowy] Tomdroid 0.4.0 released!

Hi everyone,

I have the pleasure to announce Tomdroid's 0.4.0 release!

This release brings one-way note synchronization with Tomboy Web Providers (like Tomboy-Online and Ubuntu One), introduces a new light theme and has a vastly updated UI.

Tomdroid is a Tomboy compatible wikiwiki note-taking application for Android. Right now it's a tomboy note viewer but soon it should be considered a full tomboy client for android (I hope).
Tomdroid's project page: http://www.launchpad.net/tomdroid/
For now Tomdroid is not available on the Google Market Place but you can find the latest package at:  https://launchpad.net/tomdroid/+download. Point your Android browser over there and click on the top .apk file. Alternate installation instructions are available in the README file.
Version 0.4.0 - "I didn't do it!" released on 2010-10-09
* One-way Note Synchronization! Two providers for now: Tomboy Web and SD Card (Benoit Garret, Rodja Trappe)
* Vastly modernized and improved UI (Rodja Trappe, Guilherme Salgado, Matthew Stevenson, #549643)
* Notebook templates are now hidden from note list (Benoit Garret, Guilherme Salgado, #360732)
* Fixed warning dialog reappearing after phone rotation (Benoit Garret, #541793)
* New note on first run giving some useful instructions (#588800)

I'm releasing this right before heading to the cottage to enjoy the autumns colors in the woods so I'm afraid there won't be any screenshots for now. Oh and you are kind of on your own for the next couple of days until I come back but I'm sure you'll be fine.

If you encounter any problems please open up a bug report at https://bugs.launchpad.net/tomdroid.
If you have an idea for an enhancement please register a blueprint at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/tomdroid.
If you want to provide any additional help (translation, code, website, testing, publicity, etc.) feel free to subscribe to the tomdroid-dev mailing list and propose help: https://launchpad.net/~tomdroid-dev

Very special thanks to Benoit Garret, Rodja Trappe, Guilherme Salgado and Matthew Stevenson for their contributions and patience. Without them I'm afraid that this release would have disappointed you (and I don't want that!).

Now, let's do some online note-taking!
Olivier Bilodeau <olivier bottomlesspit org>

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