[Snowy] Missing user-ref in response to GET /api/1.0


today I thought I'll check Conboy against the latest version of Snowy.
The good thing is, authenticating via OAuth 1.0a works nicely now
(thanks Oliver). The bad thing is, that I'm having a strange problem
when calling /api/1.0.

The problem is, that the result is missing the "user-ref" node and
therefore the synchronization does not work. However using Toboy with
the same Snowy instance works.

With Tomboy the reply looks like this:
    "api-version": "1.0", 
    "user-ref": {
        "href": "";, 
        "api-ref": "";

With Conboy like this:
    "api-version": "1.0", 

When directly accessing /api/1.0 using the web browser I get the same
result that I get with Conboy. So, does that mean I'm not correctly
authenticated? The authentication process looks good, though.

Any other ideas? I'm quite clueless at the moment, so all hints and
pointers would be very welcome.


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