[Shotwell] Installing on Windows with WSL

Hello. I'm trying to install Shotwell on Windows, and found this page that claims to have a Windows version [https://yepdownload.com/shotwell], but don't trust its "0.5.1 alpha" exe, considering the GNOME site says nothing about a Windows build & the mailing list indicates that Windows hasn't been supported in a decade: [https://mail.gnome.org/archives/shotwell-list/2010-December/001315.html]
Also the fact that the installer tried to set Chromium & Yahho as my default browser & search engine was a red flag.

So I'm attempting using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) along with this guide [https://dev.to/david_j_eddy/run-linux-gui-applications-on-windows-10-3130] and was able to open vim like the guide said. But when looking how to install Shotwell at [https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/shotwell/blob/master/INSTALL], after running `ninja -C build`, I get an error: `ninja: fatal: chdir to 'build' - No such file or directory`. Adding sudo doesn't affect it.

Do I have to download the Shotwell flatpak first, or change the command I'm using?
Thanks for any help you can give, as I'm new to Linux.

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