Re: [Shotwell] current shotwell and map widget status


the updated branch is available at

and at on top of shotwell-0.28


Sorry, I forgot about the branch, I will update it for the current master.

The plan is to merge it, but I need to solve two things:
- Fix the database format to be less painful and not just bolt on the geodata
   to the current table.

   This should allow for nicer things like reverse geolocation etc.

 => This is planned for this unstable cycle

- Figure out where to get the map tiles from. I am trying to talk to GNOME ppl for a policy on piggy-backing on their tile server account for GNOME(-ish) software that isn't GNOME maps, but I should probably ask OSM directly as

Dear all,

I have been using shotwell together with the map-widget for quite some
time now, unfortunately the branch isn't updated to the new build

Are there any plans to merge the map-widget into the main development
branch at some point?



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