Re: [Shotwell] Map Widget Behavior

Hey List

A commit says more than a thousand words

Check it out, it's part of the usual branch:
The map patch series was also rebased on current master.

Enjoy and post some feedback

On Mon, 2016-08-15 at 22:57 +0200, Andreas Brauchli wrote:
Hey List
I'd like so[m]e feedback as to whether the map widget would be better
if it followed the current page instead of the selection as it
currently does.
As it is, all markers of the page are only shown if the selection is
empty (or full), but when a single picture is selected only one
marker will show.
What I'm thinking, is that the map might be less "shaky" if it didn't
scroll around on each selection change. We could still show the
selection in a different marker highlight but all markers of the page
would always be on the map - a separate discussion point could be
whether they're actually visible since we could still adjust the zoom
level on a change of selection..
Let me know if you have some input on this..

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