Re: [Shotwell] Support for desktop not using client side decoration?

Is there something in particular you're seeing that looks bad?  I've run Shotwell on Utopic and Vivid beta under Unity and it looks fine to me.  Is there something in particular that I'm overlooking?

While we're on the topic, what are the odds of seeing the latest versions of Geary and California in Vivid?  Right now Vivid offers Geary 0.8.3 (0.9.1 is the latest unstable) and no California package.

-- Jim

On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 12:15 AM, Sebastien Bacher <seb128 ubuntu com> wrote:
Hey shotwell hackers, Git recently got some visual refresh, that's nice to see, it seems that GtkHeaderBar has used as decoration in an unconditional way though. That's an issue for !gnome-shell desktops (Unity, xfce, ...), is there any plan to make those decoration conditional ? Cheers, Sebastien Bacher _______________________________________________ shotwell-list mailing list shotwell-list gnome org

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