[Shotwell] had a systeem crash - please help me to restore photo's with tags

Hello all,
I had the bad luck that my pc stopped working. I have a other one and installed almost everything again. I have only issues with shotwell. I can't get the tag's back. What happend.
I had ubuntu 12.04 desktop first with f-spot and later with shotwell. All foto's where tagged and worked fine. I have a back up of /home/
Now I have ububtu 14.04 desktop (with classic view). I first imported al my photo's again with shotwell. The tag's where not there. I looked for "shotwell" in the backup and found 
while in the new installation shotwell is located at home/.local/share/shotwell/data/photo.db and a photo.db.bak
for f-spot I found 
.config/f-spot/photos.db  (with a s at the end)
.config/f-spot/addin-db-001 (dir)
.gconf/apps/f-spot/export (dir)
.gconf/apps/f-spot/import (dir)
.gconf/apps/f-spot/metadata (dir)
.gconf/apps/f-spot/ui (dir)
.gconf/apps/f-spot/viewer (dir)
I opend Shotwell, File, Import from Application,
at "import media from" there is "f-spot"
at the "none" I selected the location the ".config/f-spot/photos.db"
and pressed "import"
when the import was finined, the same photos where there but no tag's.
Can someone help me to place the tag's back, so I don't have to do it manualy again (almost 9.000 photos)
Thanks for any help
Best regards,

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