[Shotwell] New development snapshot: Shotwell 0.17.1

I've just pushed up a development snapshot of Shotwell 0.17.1, available at https://download.gnome.org/sources/shotwell/0.17/shotwell-0.17.1.tar.xz

As Shotwell is now on the GNOME version numbering scheme, this release and all others in the 0.17 branch are *unstable* snapshots of our development work.  This leads up to our next stable release, 0.18.0.  As such, version 0.17.1 will not appear in our stable Launchpad PPA.

A list of changes to 0.17.1 can be found at https://git.gnome.org/browse/shotwell/tree/NEWS?id=shotwell-0.17.1

-- Jim

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