Re: [Shotwell] Two Questions about thumbnails

Thanks, Joe. Rotating, and then rotating back, fixes the thumbnails.

On 12/17/2013 04:10 PM, Joseph B wrote:
1) I might try rotate then undo for those images.  Failing that you could try auto-enhance undo.
2) I'm not sure on this count.

On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 7:23 PM, 3×5 <Hi 3x5 co> wrote:
Hi again,

I have two questions about thumbnails:

  1. How do I regenerate individual thumbnails? For whatever reason, there are a few places in my library where the thumb is totally wrong and I would like to reset only these thumbs.

    I would just go into /thumbs, find the corresponding file name and delete the thumb -- only the file names of the thumbs don't appear to correspond to the filename of the full image.

  2. I read somewhere that because Shotwell uses cutting-edge libraries, thumbnails will often not show up for videos. Am I understanding this correctly? I would like to keep my gstreamer packages synced with Shotwell, if possible, because it really helps to find videos when you can see a thumbnail.

    I'm using Shotwell 0.14.1. What do I need to do to get my video thumb functionality? And, once I do this, do I need to manually regenerate thumbs for all my videos?

Thanks so much,

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