Re: Tails bounties for Seahorse

On Wed, 2013-02-20 at 10:33 +0100, sajolida pimienta org wrote:
Hi Seahorse community,
I'm part of the people developing the live system called Tails [1].
Tails has a strong focus on privacy, anonymity, encryption, etc. and of
course includes Seahorse.
We are now preparing a bounties program to help upstream developers work
on important bugs or interesting features for Tails. And we would like
to propose three bounty opportunities to the Seahorse community.
There is a nice bounty system available @

That lets other people kick in money too [crowd sourcing].  Some of the
below interest me and I'd guess some others;  Seahorse is a great
application, and the Nautilus integration is priceless.

SSH Keys in Seahorse
Symmetric file encryption in Seahorse Nautilus
Signature verification in Seahorse Nautilus
I couldn't find a corresponding GNOME bug even though the issue affects
Fedora 18. But there is a Ubuntu bug to track this issue:

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