Re: small ui improvements

Cool, thanks for the review!

Matthias Clasen wrote:
> - Expand the keyrings in the list on the passwords tab by default. You
> don't win much by collapsing them initially; 

Right on. The only reason this isn't done is because I couldn't figure
out how to do it :( The items in the view are loaded asynchronously. I
tried expanding as the items appeared in the model, but I got lots of
warnings and backed my changes out, and never got back to it.

Filed bug:

99% of users will only
> have one keyring anyway. The bold Passwords in the list feels slightly
> redundant with the tab label.

True. Another change that could be to have a check menu item that hides
containers or 'Folders' and just displays all the items themselves.

> - Consider turning the dialog that pops up from File -> New into a
> submenu. It really feels like a submenu-turned-dialog.

True, good point. Although one strike against that idea is:

Most users rarely use the dialog. It follows that most users aren't
familiar and will never become familiar with the different items in that
dialog and what they would be used for. And so, we need clear
explanation below each one of what it does and what it is used for. This
is harder to do with a menu.

> - The "Password Keyring" option in that dialog doesn't do anything;
> maybe hide it until it does something.

Fixed over the last few days.

> - The "New ssh key" dialog has a very unusual and unhelpful help
> button. Please put the help button where it belongs, in the lower left
> corner of the dialog. I guess it probably jumped up to where it is
> right now because you already have three buttons in the action area.
> I'd propose remove the "and set up" part from this dialog and ask that
> question after creating the key.

This was done by folks gnome-usability list, when we sent the dialog to
them for help. I'm not entirely happy with the outcome of the dialog in

> - The Advanced key options expander on this dialog comes up initially
> collapsed. The one on the "new pgp key" dialog starts out expanded.
> They should probably both start out the same. 

Good point. Committed change.

Thanks for taking your time. I hope we can get all these things sorted out.



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