Installing sawfish 1.8.1 on Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.1a (squeeze) 20110522
The system that sawfish 1.8.1 will be built on is a simple Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.1a install with a gnome desktop. The machine is a Hewlett-Packard mini 210 netbook.
Open a terminal and create a directory as user for the sawfish source files..
:~$ mkdir sawfish
Change into the sawfish directory and download (wget) the source files from for the sawfish 1.8.1 build.
:~$ cd sawfish
:~/sawfish$ wget
:~/sawfish$ wget
:~/sawfish$ wget
:~/sawfish$ wget
Extract the code from the tar.bz2 files.
:~/sawfish$ tar -xvjf librep-0.92.0.tar.bz2
:~/sawfish$ tar -xvjf rep-gtk-0.90.6.tar.bz2
:~/sawfish$ tar -xvjf sawfish-1.8.1.tar.bz2
:~/sawfish$ tar -xvjf sawfish-pager-0.90.2.tar.bz2
There are dependencies for sawfish 1.8.1 that must be installed prior to building the sawfish window manager. These dependencies are listed on the sawfish homepage download page at :
gtk+ >= 2.12
pango (optional, but recommended for UTF-8 support)
gdk-pixbuf-xlib OR imlib1 (imlib2 is currently not supported)
GNU autotools to compile.
After a bit of googling we arrive at the squeeze packages that we will need. First though go into superuser mode.
~/sawfish$ su
root@/sawfish# aptitude install gettext autoconf libltdl-dev automake libtool autotools-dev gcc libreadline-dev readline-common libffi-dev libgdbm-dev libgmp3-dev libgmp3-doc libgtk2.0-doc libgtk2.0-dev libpango1.0-dev libpango1.0-doc lsb-build-desktop3
Next superuser back into your user mode.
root@/sawfish# su (put your user name here)
OK. Now we are ready to start building our sawfish 1.8.1 installation. Change into the librep directory.
:~/sawfish$ cd librep-0.92.0
Rather than the usual use of ./configure we will be using the ./ command. From this point onward if you get out error messages you will have to go to the sawfish mail list archives to resolve the issue. If you can't find your answer in the archives then go on the end-user mail list and ask for some help.
:~/sawfish/librep-0.92.0$ ./
Now we “make” the source.
:~/sawfish/librep-0.92.0$ make
Change yourself into the superuser.
:~/sawfish/librep-0.92.0$ su
Run the installation as root.
root@/sawfish/librep-0.92.0# make installation
Since debian will put your installation into /usr/local/ you have to put it into your path.
root@/sawfish/librep-0.92.0# ldconfig
Next superuser back into your user mode.
root@/sawfish/librep-0.92.0# su (put your user name here)
Move back up into the sawfish directory.
:~/sawfish/librep-0.92.0$ cd ../
The rest of the installation is very similar to the above installation of librep so only commands are listed from this point onward. See you at the end of the install!
:~/sawfish$ cd rep-gtk-0.90.6
:~/sawfish/rep-gtk-0.90.6$ ./
:~/sawfish/rep-gtk-0.90.6$ make
:~/sawfish/rep-gtk-0.90.6$ su
root@/sawfish/rep-gtk-0.90.6# make install
root@/sawfish/rep-gtk-0.90.6# libtool --finish /usr/local/lib/rep
root@/sawfish/rep-gtk-0.90.6# su (put your user name here)
:~/sawfish/rep-gtk-0.90.6$ cd ../
:~/sawfish$ cd sawfish-1.8.1
:~/sawfish/sawfish-1.8.1$ ./
:~/sawfish/sawfish-1.8.1$ make
:~/sawfish/sawfish-1.8.1$ su
root@/sawfish/sawfish-1.8.1# make install
root@/sawfish/sawfish-1.8.1# su (put your user name here)
:~/sawfish/sawfish-1.8.1$ cd ../
:~/sawfish$ cd sawfish-pager-0.90.2
:~/sawfish/sawfish-pager-0.90.2$ ./
:~/sawfish/sawfish-pager-0.90.2$ make
:~/sawfish/sawfish-pager-0.90.2$ su
root@/sawfish/sawfish-pager-0.90.2# make install
root@/sawfish/sawfish-pager-0.90.2# su (put your user name here)
:~/sawfish/sawfish-pager-0.90.2$ cd ../
:~/sawfish$ cd ../
Now go to the sawfish homepage and configure your new sawfish 1.8.1 window manager the way you would like it to be!