Re: Sawfish without Gnome

Christopher Roy Bratusek <nano tuxfamily org> writes:
> Install a display-manager like GDM or KDM and select 'Sawfish' as session-type.
> You can't start Sawfish from the terminal, as it -of course- requires a running 
> XServer. Also you shouldn't do that as root, as you would be logged in as root 
> then.
> When using Sawfish stand-alone you might check things like the LXDE Session-
> Manager (so that you have autostart capatibilities) or SawfishPager.
> Chris
Thanks, I've installed Sawfish, Xorg, GDM and it works ok. I know that
LXDE Session-Manager is something like GDM but what exactly does
SawfishPager? Can I use it instead of GDM? 


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