Re: Getting away from GNOME #5

On Tuesday 11 January 2011 21:22:22 Christopher Roy Bratusek wrote:
> The Mailinglist runs fine. Will check tomorrow again (archive not made in
> real- time (well, GNOME's, too - so no drawback here))
> > > By the way, is there a modern replacement of bugzilla? We don't rely
> > > on it so much, but bugzilla is awkward.
> > 
> > We can setup webspace on TuxFamily. I'll check whether it meets the
> > requirements for the FlySpray Ticket-System (MySQL is available / we
> > could use this one - it's lightweight, fast, and less confussing in the
> > admin backend).
> > 
> > ( could be a redirect to, and
> > would contain FlySpray)
> It does. I'll add a MySQL DB and Webspace and do some testing, once ready,
> I'll give you all links for trying things out.

OK. Here we go.

BugTracker (FlySpray) (MySQL DB/Webspace exists now): should later redirect to the Wiki

ML (only for testing as of now):
sawfish _AT_ lists _DOT_ tuxfamily _DOT_ org

send mail with "subsribe" in the subject, in order to do so.

ML Archive (asynchronously made/might not yet exist):

FlySpray allows for anonymous reports (can be disabled if missused), also I 
would say it's interface is more intuitive (compared to BugZilla, especially 
on admin side). ML archive looks like MailMans, but it's VHFFS' list-engine 
(VHFFS is the open-source hosting solution behind TuxFamily).

GIT/Tarball repos already exist, but are emtpy as of now (librep/rep-gtk will 
move from to

If you would like to see your own repo on TuxFamily, just tell me, and I'll 
request it's generation.

Feel free to test and report your thoughts! (everyone is invited to do so)


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