Re: [merge request] Much doc, emacs "sawfish.el"

On Tue, 14 Sep 2010 18:50:23 +0200, Christopher Roy Bratusek wrote:
>> > - keep multi-line commands as one, currently then issueing a multi-line command each
>> > line is saved separately. That's ugly.
>> emacs users can invoke sawfish-config inside of emacs.[...]
> This does have nothing do to with sawfish-config, it's when you use rep as an interpreter.

Oh it's my silly typo (braino ??). It's sawfish-client which can be
run from Emacs. Now my previous message makes sense.

>> So implementing a vi plugin like this is an alternative. :)
> Actually I don't wanna write a VIm plugin for that purpose

If there're Scheme or Common Lisp plugins similar to Emacs 'sawfish.el',
i.e. which sends Lisp expressions to sawfish-client, then it must be
almost one-liner, if limited to that minimal function.

> the issue does still remain in interpreter-mode.


Teika (Teika kazura)

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