Re: Themes for 3.0


On Thu, 4 Nov 2010 18:56:50 +0100
wrote Christopher Roy Bratusek <zanghar freenet de>:

>Great work!
>Works fine here (only DarkTab tested yet) -- I've created a new branch "tabs-ng" on GIT,
>which you should use for your work now. (and anyone else for trying out). 


>> If you use window-rules to set title to left/right/bottom for a
>> window, sawfish remember the position (start window, restart sawfish)
>> but if you call "sawfish-config --group=appearance" sawfish set the
>> title for all the windows to default. But if you then restart sawfish, 
>> the title for window are placed correct. It has something to do with
>> after-setting-default-frame or/and reframe in "lisp/sawfish/wm/frames.jl", 
>> and it should work like if you restart sawfish. Can you try to fix (or
>> someone else he/she know what he/she doing ;) ).
>> If done i can continue the work at tab/tabgroup.
>Hmm. Dunno. I check via sawfish-client and Claws-mail set to title-position right.
>After doing reframe, the title-position stays 'right, but your theme sets it at top.
>I'll do some more testing. Perhaps your theme is just missing something?  

My themes has a hook:
"(call-after-state-changed '(title-position) reframe-group)"
but sawfish don't do it by title-position if you call "sawfish-config --group=appearance" 
but by sticky, shade, lock ... it works.

>PS: What's your real name? In case you would tell it to us, I would add it to
>ChangeLog/NEWS, rather than "fuchur".  

It is ok to use fuchur in Changlog. I never use my real name in net.


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