[IMPORTANT] How much time are you planing to spend on Sawfish 3.0

Hi folks,

I would like to begin the planingphase for Sawfish 3.0. Therefore I wanted to know:

a) who is going to definitively contribute (stepping in, when you got some free time
is not going to be calculated in the plans)

b) how much time/manpower you'll spend

c) what your plans are (wether something new, bugfixing, docs, translations or items
from ProposedGoals (<- everybody should check))

FYI: porting to GTK+ 3.0 is the most important thing on the todo list.

That's all. At least for now. Without knowing the answers I would say 3.0 alpha end
of September/beginning of October (when rep-gtk/sawfish are ported to GTK+ 3.0),
beta in December (as usual Christmas -2/-3 days), RC in march 2011, final in June.

We'll see.



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