Freshmeat pages for librep/rep-gtk

Hi all,

just wanted to say that I can now edit the librep/rep-gtk Freshmeat pages. I've
updated them, currently the changes await approval (as always on FM). So everyone
who didn't unsubscribe from librep/rep-gtk will get a notice that 0.90.5/0.90.2 are
available. And since FM is a source for several other pages (especially, so they update the librep/rep-gtk status, too.



Gesendet von Ti Sento am Fr, 16. Okt 2009 um 8:34
>> Desktopumgebungen KDE 4.3 und GNOME 2.28

Na ENDLICH (!) habt auch ihr begriffen, dass KDE zuerst genannt werden muss, um einen
Nuklearkrieg zu verhindern, danke PL, ihr seit unsere Erretter vom Bösen.

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