Re: [Patch] apps-menu

Christopher Roy Bratusek <zanghar freenet de> writes:

>> > 
>> > (defvar-setq desktop-directory '("/usr/share/applications/"
>> > "/usr/share/applications/kde4/"))
>> > 
>> > does work perfectly here. Everything else is fine as far as I can see.
>> > 
>> > Thanks for your efforts,
>> > Chris
>> Besides, do we honour the Hidden Tag? (It's not the same than NowShowIn/OnlyShowIn).
> Nope, but NoDisplay.
> perhaps there should be some tunable option like
> apps-menu-display-all
> t = ignore NoDisplay, Hidden, NotShowIn and OnlyShowIn
> maybe = ignore NoDisplay and Hidden, but respect NotShowIn and OnlyShowIn
> nil = respect NoDisplay, Hidden, NotShowIn and OnlyShowIn
> no?
> Chris

Yes, I like this idea, here is a patch.

The variable, 'apps-menu-ignore-no-display is gone now, replaced by
app-menu-show all, which can take 't 'maybe or 'nil, using the above
description of each.

diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/wm/ext/apps-menu.jl b/lisp/sawfish/wm/ext/apps-menu.jl
index 3a17b5d..5dc7405 100644
--- a/lisp/sawfish/wm/ext/apps-menu.jl
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/wm/ext/apps-menu.jl
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ and *.desktop files. If you set `apps-menu', then it won't happen anyway.")
     "Your own applications menu entries. It is followed by auto generated
 applications menu.")
-  (defvar apps-menu-ignore-no-display nil
+  (defvar apps-menu-show-all nil
     "Some entries are hidden from the menu, especially GNOME Apps like
 eog, nautilus or evince. If you want to have them added to your menu,
 set this to non-nil.")
@@ -333,35 +333,55 @@ exile it."
 	    (concat (trim-percent (cdr (assoc "Exec" fdo-list)))
 		    " &"))))
-  (define (desk-file->alist desk-file)
-    "Parse a desktop file `desk-file' into an alist."
-    (when (and (not (file-directory-p desk-file))
-	       (desktop-file-p desk-file))
-      (let ((fdo-list (fdo-check-exile (parse-desktop-file desk-file))))
-	(let ((a (assoc "NoDisplay" fdo-list))
-	      (b (assoc "OnlyShowIn" fdo-list))
-	      (c (assoc "NotShowIn" fdo-list)))
-	  (if (or (not a) apps-menu-ignore-no-display)
-	      (setq fdo-list (append fdo-list (cons (cons "apps-menu-no-display?" "false"))))
-	    (setq fdo-list (append fdo-list (cons (cons "apps-menu-no-display?" (cdr a))))))
-	  (when b
-	    (if (string-match (concat (quote-regexp desktop-environment) "*")
-			      (string-downcase (cdr b)))
-		(rplacd (assoc "apps-menu-no-display?" fdo-list) "false")
-	      (rplacd (assoc "apps-menu-no-display?" fdo-list) "true")))
-	  (when c
-	    (if (string-match (concat (quote-regexp desktop-environment) "*")
-			      (string-downcase (cdr c)))
-		(rplacd (assoc "apps-menu-no-display?" fdo-list) "true")
-	      (rplacd (assoc "apps-menu-no-display?" fdo-list) "false")))
-	  fdo-list))))
+  (define (desk-file->fdo-list desk-file)
+    (when (desktop-file-p desk-file)
+       (let ((fdo-list (fdo-check-exile (parse-desktop-file desk-file))))
+	 (let ((a (assoc "NoDisplay" fdo-list))
+	       (b (assoc "OnlyShowIn" fdo-list))
+	       (c (assoc "NotShowIn" fdo-list))
+	       (d (assoc "Hidden" fdo-list)))
+	   ;; 't
+	   (setq fdo-list (append fdo-list (cons (cons "apps-menu-display?" "true"))))
+	   ;; 'maybe
+	   (when (eq apps-menu-show-all 'maybe)
+	     (when b
+	       (if (string-match (concat (quote-regexp desktop-environment) "*")
+				 (string-downcase (cdr b)))
+		   (rplacd (assoc "apps-menu-display?" fdo-list) "true")
+		 (rplacd (assoc "apps-menu-display?" fdo-list) "false")))
+	     (when c
+	       (if (string-match (concat (quote-regexp desktop-environment) "*")
+				 (string-downcase (cdr c)))
+		   (rplacd (assoc "apps-menu-display?" fdo-list) "false")
+		 (rplacd (assoc "apps-menu-display?" fdo-list) "true"))))
+	   ;; 'nil
+	   (when (or (eq apps-menu-show-all 'nil) (not apps-menu-show-all))
+	     (when a
+	       (if (string-match "[Ff]" (cdr a))
+		   (rplacd (assoc "apps-menu-display?" fdo-list) "true")
+		 (rplacd (assoc "apps-menu-display?" fdo-list) "false")))
+	     (when d
+	       (if (string-match "[Ff]" (cdr d))
+		   (rplacd (assoc "apps-menu-display?" fdo-list) "true")
+		 (rplacd (assoc "apps-menu-display?" fdo-list) "false")))
+	     (when b
+	       (if (string-match (concat (quote-regexp desktop-environment) "*")
+				 (string-downcase (cdr b)))
+		   (rplacd (assoc "apps-menu-display?" fdo-list) "true")
+		 (rplacd (assoc "apps-menu-display?" fdo-list) "false")))
+	     (when c
+	       (if (string-match (concat (quote-regexp desktop-environment) "*")
+				 (string-downcase (cdr c)))
+		   (rplacd (assoc "apps-menu-display?" fdo-list) "false")
+		 (rplacd (assoc "apps-menu-display?" fdo-list) "true")))))
+	   fdo-list)))
   ;; generate a sawfish menu entry from a .desktop file
   (define (generate-menu-entry fdo-list)
     "Generate a menu entry to run the program specified in the the
 desktop file `desk-file'."
     (when (and fdo-list
-	       (string= (cdr (assoc "apps-menu-no-display?" fdo-list)) "false"))
+	       (string= (cdr (assoc "apps-menu-display?" fdo-list)) "true"))
 	(cdr (assoc "Categories" fdo-list)))
@@ -377,7 +397,7 @@ desktop file `desk-file'."
       (mapc (lambda (x)
 	      (setq local-menu
 		    (append local-menu
-			    (list (generate-menu-entry (desk-file->alist x)))))) desk-files)
+			    (list (generate-menu-entry (desk-file->fdo-list x)))))) desk-files)
       (if apps-menu-alphabetize
 	  (alphabetize-entries (fix-cats desktop-cat-alist))
 	(fix-cats desktop-cat-alist))))
diff --git a/scripts/sawfish-menu.jl b/scripts/sawfish-menu.jl
old mode 100644
new mode 100755

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