Re: Has this list-server fallen over?

Am Sat, 24 Apr 2010 17:08:09 +1000
schrieb Allan Duncan <amd2345 fastmail com au>:

> On 24/04/10 16:51, Christopher Roy Bratusek wrote:
> > Am Sat, 24 Apr 2010 16:43:42 +1000
> > schrieb Allan Duncan<amd2345 fastmail com au>:
> >
> >> On 24/04/10 16:41, Allan Duncan wrote:
> >>> Days without anything - suspicious.
> >>>
> >>> Testing...
> >>>
> >>
> >> Obviously not.  What are you all doing then?
> >
> > working on other projects, beeing busy at work and all that stuff :)
> And I suppose in your hemisphere enjoying the onset of summer.  We've 
> just dropped into winter after a run of more than 120 days with a 
> maximum temperature above 20C, clearly beating the previous record of 75 
> days.
> The Global Warming deniers have moved on to arguing about whether it is 
> man-made or not.

... It can't be man-made, because the global warming started 10.000 years ago.
10.000 years ago the last ice-age ended, I don't believe the early homo
neanderthalensis or homo sapiens had factorys to pollute the nature, did they?

Besides wether in april in germany tends to change over night - I hate april,
over easter it rained, one week later it was dry but could, this week it's rather
hot for april ~20°C and dry. I hope it's june soon :)



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