[patch] fdo-menu Re: fdo-menu breaks when LC_ALL unset & code suggestion

Teika Kazura <teika lavabit com> writes:

> Hi. Matthew, can you fix these?
> 1. The sawfish doesn't run if LC_ALL isn't set. There're several cases.
>  a: When LC_ALL is not set at all, then it says:
>     error--> (void-value name-string)
>  b: When "LC_ALL=", then
>     error--> (bad-arg #<subr substring> 2 3)
>  c: (maybe a polymorph of b) "LC_ALL=foo",
>     error--> (bad-arg #<subr substring> 5 3)
> This seems to differ from what Jeremy reported.
> 2. Code suggestion:
> "defvar" and "defun" make globals. For local symbols, could you
> replace them with "define", Like (define var-foo), and
> (define (foo-func arg1 arg2)) ? 
> "unless batch-mode" seems peculiar to me, too, but not sure.
> Gee, fdo-menu is great. Astonishing. Thanks a lot.
> Teika (Teika kazura)

I think i got these fixed...let me know if it works for you.

- when LC_ALL (or any of the other env variables) are not set, will use
dummy string "xx", which will cause the language to use the default.

- when "LC_ALL=", or any string less than 2, will do the same as above.

- when "LC_ALL=foo" will use "fo" and fall back to default
name settings, unless a menu entry uses "Name[fo]=".

- fixed the problems Jeremy reported by exiling bad .desktop files

- replaced defun's with defines

- changed the names of a few variables

not sure what the 'unless-batch-mode is for either...

thanks :)

diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/wm/ext/fdo-menu.jl b/lisp/sawfish/wm/ext/fdo-menu.jl
index cbc2ab2..4673259 100644
--- a/lisp/sawfish/wm/ext/fdo-menu.jl
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/wm/ext/fdo-menu.jl
@@ -42,46 +42,50 @@
   (unless batch-mode
     (defvar this-line nil)
-    (defvar *loc-menu* nil)
+    (defvar *fdo-local-menu*)
+    (defvar fdo-name-string "Name[")
     (make-variable-special 'apps-menu)
     ;; fdo-desktop-file-parsing
-    (defun desktop-file-p (directory-file)
+    (define (desktop-file-p directory-file)
       (let ((this-file (open-file directory-file 'read)))
 	(string= (read-line this-file) "[Desktop Entry]\012")))
-    (defun desktop-group-p (instring)
+    (define (desktop-group-p instring)
       (string= (substring instring 0 1) "["))
-    (defun desktop-skip-line-p (instring)
+    (define (desktop-skip-line-p instring)
       (or (not instring)
 	  (string= (substring instring 0 1) "#")
 	  (string= (substring instring 0 1) "\012")))
-    (defun get-key-break (instring key)
+    (define (get-key-break instring key)
       (if instring
-	  (do ((mcount 0 (1+ mcount))) 
-	      ((or (string= (substring instring mcount (+ mcount 1)) "\n")
-		   (string= (substring instring mcount (+ mcount 1)) key)
-		   (= mcount 398)) mcount))))
-    (defun get-desktop-key (instring)
+	  (let ((mlength (length instring)))
+	    (do ((mcount 0 (1+ mcount))) 
+		((or (string= (substring instring mcount (+ mcount 1)) "\n")
+		     (string= (substring instring mcount (+ mcount 1)) "\012")
+		     (string= (substring instring mcount (+ mcount 1)) key)
+		     (= mcount (- mlength 2))
+		     (= mcount 398)) mcount)))))
+    (define (get-desktop-key instring)
       (if (> (length instring) 3)
 	  (let ((break-number (get-key-break instring "=")))
 	    (if (< break-number 20)
 		(substring instring 0 break-number)))))
-    (defun get-desktop-value (instring)
+    (define (get-desktop-value instring)
       (if (> (length instring) 3)
 	  (let ((break-number (get-key-break instring "=")))
 	    (if (< break-number 20)
 		(substring instring (+ 1 break-number))))))
-    (defun get-desktop-group (instring)
+    (define (get-desktop-group instring)
       (substring instring 1 (- (length instring) 2)))
-    (defun parse-desktop-file-line (infile)
+    (define (parse-desktop-file-line infile)
       (if (setq this-line (read-line infile))
 	  (if (not (desktop-skip-line-p this-line))
@@ -92,19 +96,18 @@
 	       (parse-desktop-file-line infile))
 	    (parse-desktop-file-line infile))))
-    (defun parse-desktop-file (infile)
-      (unless (not (desktop-file-p infile))
-	(let ((d-file (open-file infile 'read)))
-	  (parse-desktop-file-line d-file))))
+    (define (parse-desktop-file infile)
+      (let ((d-file (open-file infile 'read)))
+	(parse-desktop-file-line d-file)))
     ;; generic functions
-    (defun map-desk-files (in-desk-files in-directory)
+    (define (map-desk-files in-desk-files in-directory)
       (if in-desk-files
 	  (cons (expand-file-name (car in-desk-files) in-directory)
 		(map-desk-files (cdr in-desk-files) in-directory))))
-    (defun map-dir-files (directories)
+    (define (map-dir-files directories)
       (if directories
 	  (if (file-directory-p (car directories))
 	      (let ((desk0 (directory-files (car directories))))
@@ -112,52 +115,54 @@
 		      (map-dir-files (cdr directories))))
 	    (map-dir-files (cdr directories)))))
-    (defun flatten (input)
+    (define (flatten input)
       (cond ((null input) nil)
 	    ((atom input) (list input))
 	    (t (append (flatten (car input))
 		       (flatten (cdr input))))))
-    (defun trim-end (string)
+    (define (trim-end string)
        ((string= (aref string (- (length string) 3)) 37)
 	(substring string 0 (- (length string) 4)))
 	(substring string 0 (- (length string) 1)))))
-    (defun find-lang-string ()
+    (define (find-lang-string)
        ((getenv "LANGUAGE")
 	(let ((mlang (getenv "LANGUAGE")))
-	  (if (> (length mlang) 2)
-	      (substring mlang 0 5)
-	    (substring mlang 0 2))))
+	  (if (>= (length mlang) 2)
+	      (if (>= (length mlang) 5)
+		  (substring mlang 0 5)
+		(substring mlang 0 2)) "xx")))
        ((getenv "LC_ALL")
 	(let ((mlang (getenv "LC_ALL")))
-	  (if (> (length mlang) 2)
-	      (substring mlang 0 5)
-	    (substring mlang 0 2))))
+	  (if (>= (length mlang) 2)
+	      (if (>= (length mlang) 5)
+		  (substring mlang 0 5)
+		(substring mlang 0 2)) "xx")))
        ((getenv "LC_MESSAGES")
 	(let ((mlang (getenv "LC_MESSAGES")))
-	  (if (> (length mlang) 2)
-	      (substring mlang 0 5)
-	    (substring mlang 0 2))))
+	  (if (>= (length mlang) 2)
+	      (if (>= (length mlang) 5)
+		  (substring mlang 0 5)
+		(substring mlang 0 2)) "xx")))
        ((getenv "LANG")
 	(let ((mlang (getenv "LANG")))
-	  (if (> (length mlang) 2)
-	      (substring mlang 0 5)
-	    (substring mlang 0 2))))))
+	  (if (>= (length mlang) 2)
+	      (if (>= (length mlang) 5)
+		  (substring mlang 0 5)
+		(substring mlang 0 2)) "xx")))
+       (t "xx")))
     ;; Variables that can be set in .sawfish[/]rc    
-    (if (not (boundp 'desktop-directory))
-	(defvar desktop-directory '("/usr/share/applications")))
     (if (not (boundp 'my-lang-string))
 	(defvar my-lang-string (find-lang-string)))
-    (if my-lang-string
-	(defvar name-string "Name["))
+    (if (not (boundp 'desktop-directory))
+	(defvar desktop-directory '("/usr/share/applications")))
     (if (not (boundp 'ignore-no-display))
 	(defvar ignore-no-display '()))
@@ -206,18 +211,19 @@
 			  "FileManager" "X-FileSystemMount" "Compression"))
 	("System" . ("X-SystemSchedule" "System" "X-SystemMemory" \
 		     "TerminalEmulator" "Dictionary" "Puppy" "Printing" "Monitor" "Security"))
-	("Settings" . ("Settings" "HardwareSettings" "PackageManager"))))
+	("Settings" . ("Settings" "HardwareSettings" "PackageManager"))
+	("Exiles" . ("Exile"))))
     ;; Get the correct Name value based on language settings
-    (defun find-lang-in-desktop-file (fdo-list)
-      (if (assoc (concat name-string my-lang-string "]") fdo-list)
-	  (concat name-string my-lang-string "]")
-	(if (assoc (concat name-string (substring my-lang-string 0 2) "]") fdo-list)
-	    (concat name-string (substring my-lang-string 0 2) "]")
+    (define (find-lang-in-desktop-file fdo-list)
+      (if (assoc (concat fdo-name-string my-lang-string "]") fdo-list)
+	  (concat fdo-name-string my-lang-string "]")
+	(if (assoc (concat fdo-name-string (substring my-lang-string 0 2) "]") fdo-list)
+	    (concat fdo-name-string (substring my-lang-string 0 2) "]")
     ;; Functions for categories
-    (defun fix-sub-cats (cat-list loc-list)
+    (define (fix-sub-cats cat-list loc-list)
       (if cat-list
 	  (let ((cat-val (car cat-list)))
 	    (if (assoc cat-val loc-list)
@@ -226,16 +232,16 @@
 	      (fix-sub-cats (cdr cat-list) loc-list)))))
     ;; Associate values from the Master Category list with sub-categories from file
-    (defun fix-cats (cat-list)
+    (define (fix-cats cat-list)
       (if cat-list
 	  (let ((cat-val (car (car cat-list)))
-		(c-list (fix-sub-cats (car cat-list) *loc-menu*)))
+		(c-list (fix-sub-cats (car cat-list) *fdo-local-menu*)))
 	    (if (car c-list)
 		(cons (cons cat-val c-list) (fix-cats (cdr cat-list)))
 	      (fix-cats (cdr cat-list))))))
     ;; Convert a Categories key value from ; delineated records to a list
-    (defun build-cat-list (line) 
+    (define (build-cat-list line) 
       (if (> (length line) 1)
 	  (let ((this-cat (prin1-to-string (read-from-string line))))
 	    (cons this-cat 
@@ -244,7 +250,7 @@
     ;; Helper for (parse-desk-line)
     ;; Determine best category to use... :|
-    (defun parse-cat-list (cat-list)
+    (define (parse-cat-list cat-list)
       (if (cdr cat-list)
 	  (let ((this-cat (car cat-list)))
 	    (if (or
@@ -259,18 +265,46 @@
 	(car cat-list)))
     ;; Alphabetize the entries in the category menus
-    (defun alphabetize-entries (saw-menu)
+    (define (alphabetize-entries saw-menu)
       (if saw-menu
 	  (cons (cons (car (car saw-menu)) 
 		      (sort (cdr (car saw-menu)) string<)) 
 		(alphabetize-entries (cdr saw-menu)))))
+    (define (fdo-exile fdo-list)
+      (setq fdo-list 
+	    (append fdo-list (cons (cons "fdo-Comment" "This .desktop file was exiled, use with caution, file may be corrupt.\n"))))
+      (if (assoc "NoDisplay" fdo-list)
+	  (rplacd (assoc "NoDisplay" fdo-list) "true\n")
+	(setq fdo-list (append fdo-list (cons (cons "NoDisplay" "true\n")))))
+      (if (not (assoc "Exec" fdo-list))
+	  (setq fdo-list (append fdo-list (cons (cons "Exec" "sawfish-client -c 'display-errors'\n")))))
+      (if (and (not (assoc "Name" fdo-list))
+	       (not (assoc (concat fdo-name-string my-lang-string "]") fdo-list)))
+	  (setq fdo-list (append fdo-list (cons (cons "Name" "Unknown\n")))))
+      (if (assoc "Categories" fdo-list)
+	  (rplacd (assoc "Categories" fdo-list) "Exile\n")
+	(setq fdo-list (append fdo-list (cons (cons "Categories" "Exile\n"))))))
+    (define (fdo-check-exile fdo-list)
+      (if fdo-list
+       (if (or (not (assoc "Categories" fdo-list))
+	       (not (assoc "Exec" fdo-list))
+	       (and (not (assoc "Name" fdo-list))
+		    (not (assoc (concat fdo-name-string my-lang-string "]") fdo-list))))
+	   (fdo-exile fdo-list)
+	 fdo-list)))
     ;; generate a saw-fish menu entry from a .desktop file
-    (defun generate-menu-entry (desk-file)
+    (define (generate-menu-entry desk-file)
       (if (and (not (file-directory-p desk-file))
 	       (desktop-file-p desk-file))
-	  (let ((fdo-list (parse-desktop-file desk-file)))
-	    (if (not (string= (cdr (assoc "NoDisplay" fdo-list)) "true\n"))
+	  (let ((fdo-list (fdo-check-exile (parse-desktop-file desk-file))))
+	    (if ignore-no-display
+		(if (assoc "NoDisplay" fdo-list)
+		    (rplacd (assoc "NoDisplay" fdo-list) "false\n")
+		  (setq fdo-list (append fdo-list (cons (cons "NoDisplay" "false\n"))))))
+       	    (if (not (string= (cdr (assoc "NoDisplay" fdo-list)) "true\n"))
 		(cons (parse-cat-list (build-cat-list (trim-end (cdr (assoc "Categories" fdo-list)))))
 		      (cons (trim-end (cdr (assoc (find-lang-in-desktop-file fdo-list) fdo-list)))
 			    (if (string= (cdr (assoc "Terminal" fdo-list)) "true\012")
@@ -281,10 +315,12 @@
     ;; Update the menu
     (define (update-saw-menu)
       (unless (not use-fdo-menu)
-	(setq *loc-menu* nil)
+	(setq *fdo-local-menu* nil)
+	(if (< (length my-lang-string) 2)
+	    (setq my-lang-string "xx"))
 	(let ((desk-files (flatten (map-dir-files desktop-directory))))
 	  (mapc (lambda (x)
-		  (setq *loc-menu* (append *loc-menu* (list (generate-menu-entry x))))) desk-files)
+		  (setq *fdo-local-menu* (append *fdo-local-menu* (list (generate-menu-entry x))))) desk-files)
 	  (if want-alphabetize
 	      (setq apps-menu (alphabetize-entries (fix-cats menu-cat-alist)))
 	    (setq apps-menu (fix-cats menu-cat-alist))))))
Matthew Love

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