Re: My sawfishrc

On 04/10/09 18:26, Timo Korvola wrote:
On Saturday 03 October 2009 23:13:55 Christopher Roy Bratusek wrote:
Dunno the exact difference but if I remember correctly setq has a
shorter lifetime than dsv, but for an rc this doesn't make a

(define-special-variable foo bar) is equivalent to
(defvar foo nil) (setq foo bar).  Unless evaluated in some inner scope
where foo is locally defined, (setq foo bar) (defvar foo nil) also
achieves the same result.

The complete context is:
(require 'sawfish.wm.gnome.integration)
(setq customize-command-classes '(default viewport))
(setq viewport-dimensions '(3 . 2))

Would the equivalent of (defvar viewport-dimensions nil) therefore occur in
sawfish.wm.gnome.integration or customize-command-classes then?
That however implies that (define-special-variable viewport-dimensions..
would create a new local scope that is unconnected to the code to actually
do what is intended, or am I misinterpreting defvar as a variable definition and
storage allocation?

And could you combine (defvar foo nil) (setq foo bar) as (defvar foo bar)?

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