Re: Are only 3 heads supported in grow/pack?

 Teika> It's Janek who said it, but he has only 3 heads, and he doesn't
 Teika> understand lisp. So it is confirmed that it works for 3. If 3 is ok,
 Teika> why not 4? I guess it's his mistake, and shouldn't creep into the
 Teika> news. (Sorry I haven't argued on this.)

I was going to try it on my desktop, when I realized I have version 1.3
installed there :(

It is an OS X computer and it is running under fink. I'll need to update
my .info files to the latest version :( I 

oh the pain of upgrades :)

Has anybody created .deb files for latest ubuntu by the way?


Daniel M. German         
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .

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