Re: Transparency with non-rectangular border

Well xcompmgr is buggy, did you try with the cairo-compositing-manager?
(also described in the wiki)


Am Freitag, den 10.04.2009, 12:10 +0200 schrieb Jan Kasprzak:
> 	Hello,
> I have been playing with xcompmgr and transparency as described in
> - the xcompmgr effects work for me, but transparency (both
> Native-focus-transparency.jl and Window-alpha.jl) have a slight
> problem:
> 	With my border style (blue-steel), which already
> has transparent parts of the window decoration, those parts
> are now drawn as semi-transparent black (with the same alpha
> as the black pixels in the window itself). The only exception
> is when I set the opacity to 1.0 - then the transparent parts
> of the window decoration are drawn correctly.
> 	The problem is not urgent for me, because after trying
> to use a semi-transparent unfocused windows for a while I have
> decided that I don't want this feature - I often read from the
> different window than I type to. Xcompmgr effects (and its
> "backing store") are nice enough to keep them.
> -Yenya

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