Re: [README] rep-gtk req bump and theme installation and patch testing

Am Samstag, den 22.11.2008, 15:09 +0900 schrieb Teika Kazura:
Christopher Bratusek wrote:

> So should I bump to 0.18.1, 0.18.2 or 0.18.3

I'd say 0.18.3 in order to fix the themes absence in GUI. I understand
that theme is of interest for many, so it'd be nice if it can be fixed
by pulling in 0.18.3.

The release of 0.18.3 would relieve me. I was thinking of submitting
patch release for Gentoo Linux, by only fixing GtkCombo part against 
0.18.1. But it won't be necessary with 0.18.3 in sight.

> I can also make a 0.18.3 snapshot release from trunk if desired.

Thanks. Pease do so if J Harper can't hand over its control to you
by the release deadline.

Teika kazura

O.K. I just mailed him. Did you have time to test the a11y-patch?


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