Re: [IMPORTANT] Broken GtkCombo() in rep-gtk is fixed! [Theme-Selector works again!]

On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 07:05:03AM +0100, Christopher Bratusek wrote:
> Michal Jaegermann schrieb:
> >
> >OTOH attempts to pick up 'mxflat' invariably end with an alert:
> >
> >   Remote sawfish error: (bad-arg #<subr make-image> () 1)
> >
> >     Michal
> >  
> The problem with mxflat is, that it is not fully installed by
> themes/Makefile [subdir buttons and it's subdirs are missing] so
> copy it manually to the themedir, it should then work as expected.

So why not to keep mxflat as mxflat.tar.gz?  Sawfish handles that
without any issues.  I just tried and indeed everything is
immediately happy.  Besides this reduces 1.1M of mxflat directory to
82849 bytes. :-)  Other themes could be provided in this format as

Here is a patch which implements such modification.

--- sawfish-1.3.4/themes/      2008-10-08 21:50:23.000000000 -0600
+++ sawfish-1.3.4/themes/    2008-11-02 18:46:50.000000000 -0700
@@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ all :
 install : all installdirs
        for d in $(THEMES); do \
          rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(themedir)/$$d; \
-         mkdir $(DESTDIR)$(themedir)/$$d; \
          for f in $(srcdir)/$$d/*; do \
            if [ $$f != $(srcdir)/$$d/CVS ]; then \
-             $(INSTALL_DATA) $$f $(DESTDIR)$(themedir)/$$d; \
+             ( cd $(srcdir) && tar czf $$d.tar.gz $$d/* ) ; \
+             $(INSTALL_DATA) $$d.tar.gz $(DESTDIR)$(themedir)/$$d.tar.gz; \
            fi \
          done \

and after that none of themes gives me any troubles.


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