Re: No caption in title bar

Am Dienstag, den 22.07.2008, 19:18 +0200 schrieb Vassilios Kotoulas:
Hello World,

I am using sawfish since 1.0.1 and I am still enthusiastic about it. I
recently upgraded from 1.3.2 to 1.3.3 on a Fedora 9 system with Gnome.
Now some older themes (especially the one I use, WFMH-Helix-Citrus with
some modifications made with sawfish-themer) have no caption on the
title bar. How can this be solved?

I just tried WFMH-Helix-Citrus and it's working perfect here.

Another question: I have lost sawfish-themer. Where can I find it?


Sawfish-Themer depends on rep-glade. But rep-glade has not been ported to glade2.

(You may be able to install gtk1 glib1 glade1 and an old version of rep to bring the themer to work again)

But it would be much better if we finally find someone how takes care of rep!


GNOME/Sawfish rule!

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