Re: rep-gtk

ritz said:     (by the date of Thu, 31 Jan 2008 03:52:25 +0530)

>   I was able to see that you have committed a few bug-fixes in svn
> trunk. Are you planning to do a release ?

The last commit to was made by John
Harper on february 2006. Last commit to
was made by John Harper in november 2007, pretty recent.

When reviving sawfish last year, we didn't obtain access to rep-gtk
or librep explicitly. 

The explicit access was given only to

I'm not sure what is the state of affairs here. I think that I could
ask John what he thinks about allowing us to have write-access to
rep-gtk or librep. But, given that his last commint wasn't too long
ago, I wouldn't be too optimistic about this.

Currently we have full control only on the sawfish source.

Janek Kozicki                                                         |

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