a rep-gtk patch for use Status Icon(Display an icon in the system tray)

maybe someone need this, so I paste it to here.

why sawfish can not create a Status Icon? it sometimes crash when create
a status icon.

diff -ru trunk/gtk-compat.c trunk-hacked/gtk-compat.c
--- trunk/gtk-compat.c	2008-01-11 10:49:39.000000000 +0800
+++ trunk-hacked/gtk-compat.c	2008-01-13 12:42:06.000000000 +0800
@@ -267,3 +267,36 @@
     gtk_widget_draw (widget, NULL);
+/* status icon hack */
+gtk_status_icon_popup_menu(GtkStatusIcon *status_icon,
+			   GtkMenu *menu,
+			   guint button,
+			   guint32 activate_time)
+     GtkMenuPositionFunc pos_func = gtk_status_icon_position_menu;
+     gpointer user_data = status_icon;
+     gtk_menu_popup (menu, NULL, NULL,
+		     pos_func, user_data, button, activate_time);
+gtk_status_icon_get_geometry_interp(GtkStatusIcon *status_icon,
+				    gint *x,
+				    gint *y,
+				    GtkOrientation *orientation)
+     GdkRectangle area;
+     gboolean ret = gtk_status_icon_get_geometry(status_icon,
+					     NULL,
+					     &area,
+					     orientation);
+     if(!ret)
+	  return ret;
+     *x = area.x;
+     *y = area.y;
+     return ret;
diff -ru trunk/gtk.defs trunk-hacked/gtk.defs
--- trunk/gtk.defs	2008-01-11 10:49:39.000000000 +0800
+++ trunk-hacked/gtk.defs	2008-01-13 12:41:56.000000000 +0800
@@ -4569,6 +4569,130 @@
 (define-func gtk_separator_menu_item_new
+;; hack for status icon
+(define-object GtkStatusIcon (GObject))
+(define-enum GtkImageType
+  (empty GTK_IMAGE_EMPTY)
+  (pixmap GTK_IMAGE_PIXMAP)
+  (image GTK_IMAGE_IMAGE)
+  (pixbuf GTK_IMAGE_PIXBUF)
+  (stock GTK_IMAGE_STOCK)
+  (icon-set GTK_IMAGE_ICON_SET)
+  (animation GTK_IMAGE_ANIMATION)
+  (icon-name GTK_IMAGE_ICON_NAME))
+(define-func gtk_status_icon_new
+  GtkStatusIcon
+  ())
+(define-func gtk_status_icon_new_from_pixbuf
+  GtkStatusIcon 
+  ((GdkPixbuf pixbuf)))
+(define-func gtk_status_icon_new_from_file 
+  GtkStatusIcon
+  ((string filename)))
+(define-func gtk_status_icon_new_from_stock
+  GtkStatusIcon 
+  ((string stock_id)))
+(define-func gtk_status_icon_new_from_icon_name 
+  GtkStatusIcon 
+  ((string icon_name)))
+(define-func gtk_status_icon_set_from_pixbuf 
+  none 
+  ((GtkStatusIcon status_icon)
+   (GdkPixbuf pixbuf)))
+(define-func gtk_status_icon_set_from_file
+  none
+  ((GtkStatusIcon status_icon)
+   (string  filename)))
+(define-func gtk_status_icon_set_from_stock 
+  none 
+  ((GtkStatusIcon status_icon)
+   (string stock_id)))
+(define-func gtk_status_icon_set_from_icon_name
+  none
+  ((GtkStatusIcon status_icon)
+   (string icon_name)))
+(define-func gtk_status_icon_get_storage_type
+  GtkImageType
+  ((GtkStatusIcon status_icon)))
+(define-func gtk_status_icon_get_pixbuf
+  GdkPixbuf 
+((GtkStatusIcon status_icon)))
+(define-func gtk_status_icon_get_stock
+  string
+  ((GtkStatusIcon status_icon)))
+(define-func gtk_status_icon_get_icon_name
+  string
+  ((GtkStatusIcon status_icon)))
+(define-func gtk_status_icon_get_size
+  int
+  ((GtkStatusIcon status_icon)))
+;(define-func gtk_status_icon_set_screen
+;  none
+;  ((GtkStatusIcon status_icon)
+;   (GdkScreen screen)))
+;(define-func gtk_status_icon_get_screen 
+;  GdkScreen
+;  ((GtkStatusIcon status_icon)))
+(define-func gtk_status_icon_set_tooltip
+  none
+  ((GtkStatusIcon status_icon)
+   (string tooltip_text)))
+(define-func gtk_status_icon_set_visible
+  none
+  ((GtkStatusIcon status_icon)
+   (bool visible)))
+(define-func gtk_status_icon_get_visible
+  bool
+  ((GtkStatusIcon status_icon)))
+(define-func gtk_status_icon_set_blinking
+  none
+ ((GtkStatusIcon status_icon)
+  (bool blinking)))
+(define-func gtk_status_icon_get_blinking
+  bool
+  ((GtkStatusIcon status_icon)))
+(define-func gtk_status_icon_is_embedded
+  bool
+  ((GtkStatusIcon status_icon)))
+(define-func gtk_status_icon_popup_menu
+  none
+  ((GtkStatusIcon status_icon)
+   (GtkMenu menu)
+   (uint button)
+   (uint activate_time)))
+; remove screen
+(define-func gtk_status_icon_get_geometry_interp
+  bool
+  ((GtkStatusIcon status_icon)
+   ((ret int) x)
+   ((ret int) y)
+   ((ret GtkOrientation) orientation)))
 ;; More defs files

following is a example to use it.

#! /bin/sh
exec rep --batch "$0" "$@"

;;;; rep-gtk hello world program 

(structure ()

    (open rep

  (define window (gtk-window-new 'toplevel))

  (define button (gtk-button-new-with-label "say hello"))

  (gtk-container-set-border-width window 10)

  (g-signal-connect window "delete_event" (lambda (w) (throw 'quit 0)))

  (g-signal-connect button "clicked"
		    (lambda ()
		      (write standard-output "hello, world\n")))

  (gtk-container-add window button)
  (gtk-widget-show-all window)
  (define tray_icon (gtk-status-icon-new))
  ;(gtk-status-icon-set-from-file tray_icon "/usr/share/pixmaps/mplayer.xpm")
  (gtk-status-icon-set-from-icon-name tray_icon "stock_mail-unread")
  (gtk-status-icon-set-tooltip tray_icon
			       "Example Tray Icon")
  (gtk-status-icon-set-blinking tray_icon t)
  (g-signal-connect tray_icon "activate"
		    (lambda ()
		      (write standard-output "activate tray_icon\n")))
  (define menu (gtk-menu-new))
  (define item (gtk-menu-item-new-with-label "Test Menu"))
  (gtk-menu-shell-append menu item)
  (gtk-widget-show-all menu)
  (g-signal-connect tray_icon "popup-menu"
		    (lambda ()
		      (gtk-status-icon-popup-menu tray_icon menu 0 0)))

  (let ((x (list #f))(y (list #f))(z (list #f)))
    (gtk-status-icon-get-geometry-interp tray_icon x y z)
    (write standard-output (format nil "(%d,%d) %s\n" (car x) (car y) (car z))))

  ;(define x (gtk-status-icon-get-geometry-interp tray_icon))
  (setq interrupt-mode 'exit)

;; Local variables:
;; major-mode: lisp-mode
;; End:

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