Re: Error compiling sawfish 1.3.2

On date Tuesday 2008-02-05 12:40:30 +0100, Mihai T. Lazarescu opened this window:
> Hi,
> I get this error compiling sawfish 1.3.2 tarball on Fedora 8:
>     make[1]: Entering directory `/home/users/mihai/sawfish/sawfish-1.3.2/lisp'
>     SAWFISHLISPDIR=. SAWFISHEXECDIR=../src/.libexec SAWFISHDOCFILE=../DOC ../src/sawfish --batch --no-rc compiler -f compile-batch sawfish/wm.jl
>     set -e; for d in sawfish/wm; do \
>               SAWFISHLISPDIR=. SAWFISHEXECDIR=../src/.libexec SAWFISHDOCFILE=../DOC ../src/sawfish --batch --no-rc compiler -f compile-lib-batch $d; \
>             done
>     (compiling sawfish/wm/custom.jl)
>     (compiling sawfish/wm/ext/edge-flip.jl)
>     error--> (file-error "No such file or directory" "sawfish/wm/util/flippers")
>     make[1]: *** [lisp] Error 10
> To get there:
>     expand the archive
>     ./configure
>     make distclean
>     ./configure
>     make
> Am I missing something?

Try with the latest SVN, follow the instructions on the wiki, that is:

install what is required to be installed (rep-dev, gtk-dev and so on):

make distclean # really not required, but who knows?
./configure --bla-bla
make install

If it works then it is definitively a problem with the fedora package.

HTH, regards.
Stefano Sabatini
Linux user number 337176 (see

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