Re: Latest gentoo linux ebuilds

Am Samstag, den 20.12.2008, 14:39 +0900 schrieb Teika Kazura:
Dear Gentoo linux users,

the latest ebuilds for sawfish, librep, and rep-gtk are available at:

Teika kazura

Cool. I just added the one for librep to trunk (configure will rename librep.ebuild to librep-$version.ebuild automatically)
I'll go now to add the one for rep-gtk. Since today is the release of sawfish 1.3.5, I'll add it's ebuild after the release.

Votes for next version:

1.3.6: Andrea Vettorello
1.5.0: Christopher Bratusek, Janek Kozicki

If no one else votes, next release will be 1.5.0 (yeah, that's democracy)


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