Re: GrowWindow weirdness - feature or not?

Ian Zimmerman said:     (by the date of Sun, 25 Nov 2007 23:29:01 -0500)

> I just realized that the GrowWindow* commands make a window think it is 
> maximized - so you can't resize it, and you can only move it along the
> other axis (i.e. after GrowWindowDown, you can only slide it sideways,
> no moving up or down).  It leaves this state when you Unmaximize it.
> I am not sure if this is a bug or feature, but it was definitely
> unexpected, especially as similar commands in Openbox which I am now
> checking out leave the window in normal movable and sizable state.

I find this a bit annoying too. We could either make it optional, or
just remove the "feature". If you can make a patch for that - please
submit it to our wiki, then hopefully people will vote how they all
feel. Depending on votes, I will apply it for 1.3.2

Janek Kozicki                                                         |

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