sawfish configuration

for all of my time of 5 years with computers, i have only used
Desktops, 3 years with idiot Windows, now GNOME from last 1 year. now,
as of today, i hate Desktops (i must call it "the UNIX effect" a.k.a
"Command-Line Addiction")

i got fascinated SAWFISH after interacting with lots of other Window
managers. i tried to read the "Programing Manual" but i am not able to
understand how it can help me writing a "~/.sawfishrc" file?

Can someone please post his configuration file, from where i can and
understand SCWM coding? or if you can point me to any "SAWFISH
configuration how to" document. i only want to have this kind of

i tried Google but that does not help.

-- arnuld

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