Re: Sawfish news?

jason haslup said:     (by the date of Wed, 22 Mar 2006 19:25:47 +0000 (UTC))

> I'm neither... just a happy user.

happy user too :)

> I've even seen some work done
> in adding the new (then) transparency stuff offered by into sawfish.  I
> patched my CVS install with it and it worked great.

wow, you have transparency working?

> Maybe suggesting things that are missing would encourage folks to
> add features, but I honestly can't think of anything missing that I need.  

heh, think composite window manager, I really loved that demo:

especially I like that "show all" feature. But I don't want to change
window manager just because of one good feature. Sawfish is plainly too
good for that. But I'd like sawfish to have this feature.

And all that wobbly windows and transparency changed with mouse
scroller, I like it.

> I'd enjoy more sawfish discussion... I think there's a good-sized, but largely
> quiet, community out there still using sawfish. 

yeah, is there a community only "here"? I mean on this mailing list, or
maybe somewhere else too? Before I decided to subscribe here I remember
that I've seen also some forums on sawfish site, or something like that
(can't remember now..)

Janek Kozicki                                                         |

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