Re: wiki front page is messed up

I restored what I found in the Google cache...

I suggest trying something like TikiWiki...

At least it is a full featured Wiki, with better revision control.

On Thu, 12 May 2005 03:54:32 +0200
GSR - FR <famrom infernal-iceberg com> wrote:

> Hi,
> rafalk cse unsw edu au (2005-05-12 at 1036.34 +1000):
> > Remember how I mentioned wiki spam, and how I try to remove it at
> > least  once a week? Well, um, this time, someone has put SO much crap
> > on the 
> Thanks for the work.
> > front page, I can't seem to revert, since the server exceeds the
> > maximum  execution time of 30 seconds when asked for the main page
> > revisions :(
> Yeah, tried too, same result.
> > If someone knows who is actually running the wiki, now would be a good
> > 
> > time to contact them and try come up with a solution.
> See
> I am no wiki expert, but maybe time to implement some things from
> Or at least some system that
> allows reverting back pages with less fuss.

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