Re: [sabayon] Sabayon Crashes

Title: RE: [sabayon] Sabayon Crashes

There is a log, but it doesn't seem to contain anything usefull. It happens on multiple distros though, and using previous versions doesn't seem to help. I had the same needs and eventually had to settle with KDE and Kiosk Tool. It works well enough, though I'll admit I'd rather be using gnome and Sabayon again.

Levi Kemp
Technology Specialist
Bolivar R-1 Schools
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-----Original Message-----
From: sabayon-list-bounces gnome org on behalf of Alex Howe
Sent: Wed 2/27/2008 6:19 AM
To: sabayon-list gnome org
Subject: [sabayon] Sabayon Crashes


I am running an Ubuntu 7.10 LTSP server and wish to create user profiles
with Sabayon.

Unfortunately sabayon seems to crash as I'm editing the profile which is
displayed in the xnest session. I do get asked to send the contents of
the sabayon log file to a bug list, the problem is the log file doesn't

I have found many posts highlighting the same issue. Is there a fix?

I am trying to create a completely locked down user profile which
disallows the non admin users to right click the gnome desktop, panels
and menus. Is this possible with sabayon?



Alex Howe

Client Projects Co-Ordinator

Adaptive Linux Solutions

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