///// Turning TV on ///////
> GET /smp_18_ HTTP/1.1
> Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1487271738
> Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0xd42898), SoupMessage 1 (0xd4e8b8), SoupSocket 1 (0xd46cf0)
> Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
> User-Agent: Â GUPnP/1.0.1 DLNADOC/1.50
> Connection: Keep-Alive
< HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorised
< Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1487271738
< Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0xd4e8b8)
< Content-Type:Â
< Content-Length: 0
< Connection: close
> GET /smp_18_ HTTP/1.1
> Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1487271744
> Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0xd42898), SoupMessage 2 (0xd4ecb8), SoupSocket 2 (0xd46d60)
> Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
> User-Agent: Â GUPnP/1.0.1 DLNADOC/1.50
> Connection: Keep-Alive
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1487271744
< Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 2 (0xd4ecb8)
< Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"
< Content-Length: 2606
< Date: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:26 GMT
< Connection: close
< Server: SHP, UPnP/1.0, Samsung UPnP SDK/1.0
< <?xml version="1.0"?>
< Â <specVersion>
< Â <major>1</major>
< Â <minor>0</minor>
< Â </specVersion>
< Â <device>
< Â <deviceType>urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1</deviceType>
< Â Â
< Â <df:X_deviceCategory>Display.TV.LCD Multimedia.DMR</df:X_deviceCategory>
< Â <dlna:X_DLNADOC xmlns:dlna='urn:schemas-dlna-org:device-1-0'>DMR-1.50</dlna:X_DLNADOC>
< Â <friendlyName>[TV]UE32ES5505</friendlyName>
< Â <manufacturer>Samsung Electronics</manufacturer>
< Â <modelDescription>Samsung TV DMR</modelDescription>
< Â <modelName>UE32ES5505</modelName>
< Â <modelNumber>AllShare1.0</modelNumber>
< Â <serialNumber>20110813DMR</serialNumber>
< Â <UDN>uuid:0f7f4900-0004-1000-92dd-c4731e31b9dd</UDN>
< Â <sec:deviceID>7XCL6KHUZBCD4</sec:deviceID>
< Â <iconList>
< Â Â <icon>
< Â Â <mimetype>image/jpeg</mimetype>
< Â Â <width>48</width>
< Â Â <height>48</height>
< Â Â <depth>24</depth>
< Â Â <url>/dmr/icon_SML.jpg</url>
< Â Â </icon>
< Â Â <icon>
< Â Â <mimetype>image/jpeg</mimetype>
< Â Â <width>120</width>
< Â Â <height>120</height>
< Â Â <depth>24</depth>
< Â Â <url>/dmr/icon_LRG.jpg</url>
< Â Â </icon>
< Â Â <icon>
< Â Â <mimetype>image/png</mimetype>
< Â Â <width>48</width>
< Â Â <height>48</height>
< Â Â <depth>24</depth>
< Â Â <url>/dmr/icon_SML.png</url>
< Â Â </icon>
< Â Â <icon>
< Â Â <mimetype>image/png</mimetype>
< Â Â <width>120</width>
< Â Â <height>120</height>
< Â Â <depth>24</depth>
< Â Â <url>/dmr/icon_LRG.png</url>
< Â Â </icon>
< Â </iconList>
< Â <serviceList>
< Â Â <service>
< Â Â <serviceType>urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1</serviceType>
< Â Â <serviceId>urn:upnp-org:serviceId:RenderingControl</serviceId>
< Â Â <controlURL>/smp_20_</controlURL>
< Â Â <eventSubURL>/smp_21_</eventSubURL>
< Â Â <SCPDURL>/smp_19_</SCPDURL>
< Â Â </service>
< Â Â <service>
< Â Â <serviceType>urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ConnectionManager:1</serviceType>
< Â Â <serviceId>urn:upnp-org:serviceId:ConnectionManager</serviceId>
< Â Â <controlURL>/smp_23_</controlURL>
< Â Â <eventSubURL>/smp_24_</eventSubURL>
< Â Â <SCPDURL>/smp_22_</SCPDURL>
< Â Â </service>
< Â Â <service>
< Â Â <serviceType>urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1</serviceType>
< Â Â <serviceId>urn:upnp-org:serviceId:AVTransport</serviceId>
< Â Â <controlURL>/smp_26_</controlURL>
< Â Â <eventSubURL>/smp_27_</eventSubURL>
< Â Â <SCPDURL>/smp_25_</SCPDURL>
< Â Â </service>
< Â </serviceList>
< Â <sec:ProductCap>Y2012,WebURIPlayable,SeekTRACK_NR</sec:ProductCap>
< Â </device>
< </root>
'urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1' Device '[TV]UE32ES5505' Available with type: 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1'
Registering device [TV]UE32ES5505
> SUBSCRIBE /smp_27_ HTTP/1.1
> Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1487271744
> Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0xd42898), SoupMessage 3 (0xd4e938), SoupSocket 3 (0xd46dd0)
> NT: upnp:event
> Timeout: Second-1800
> Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
> User-Agent: Â GUPnP/1.0.1 DLNADOC/1.50
> Connection: Keep-Alive
> SUBSCRIBE /smp_21_ HTTP/1.1
> Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1487271744
> Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0xd42898), SoupMessage 4 (0xd4ebb8), SoupSocket 4 (0xd46e40)
> NT: upnp:event
> Timeout: Second-1800
> Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
> User-Agent: Â GUPnP/1.0.1 DLNADOC/1.50
> Connection: Keep-Alive
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1487271744
< Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 3 (0xd4e938)
< Date: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:26 GMT
< Server: Rex 1.0, UPnP/1.0, Samsung UPnP SDK/1.0
< SID: uuid:0f7f4900-0004-1000-8d87-c4731e31b9dd
< Timeout: Second-1800
< Content-Length: 0
< Connection: close
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1487271744
< Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 4 (0xd4ebb8)
< Date: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:26 GMT
< Server: Rex 1.0, UPnP/1.0, Samsung UPnP SDK/1.0
< SID: uuid:0f7f4901-0004-1000-986e-c4731e31b9dd
< Timeout: Second-1800
< Content-Length: 0
< Connection: close
Device [TV]UE32ES5505 is now in state NO_MEDIA_PRESENT
Setting TV [TV]UE32ES5505 state to on!
Device [TV]UE32ES5505 volume is now 3
///// Turning TV off ///////
'urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1' Device '[TV]UE32ES5505' Unavailable with type: 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1'
** (process:2024): WARNING **: No notifications found for variable LastChange
** (process:2024): WARNING **: No notifications found for variable LastChange
Removing device [TV]UE32ES5505 from device list
TV state [TV]UE32ES5505 set to off
Set unsubscribed
Removing Notify for av_transport
Set unsubscribed
Removing Notify for rc_transport
Removing from hashtable
///// Turning TV on ///////
'urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1' Device '[TV]UE32ES5505' Available with type: 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1'
Registering device [TV]UE32ES5505
> SUBSCRIBE /smp_27_ HTTP/1.1
> Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1487271880
> Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0xd42898), SoupMessage 5 (0xd4e938), SoupSocket 5 (0xd46f90)
> NT: upnp:event
> Timeout: Second-1800
> Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
> User-Agent: Â GUPnP/1.0.1 DLNADOC/1.50
> Connection: Keep-Alive
> SUBSCRIBE /smp_21_ HTTP/1.1
> Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1487271880
> Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0xd42898), SoupMessage 6 (0xd4ed38), SoupSocket 6 (0xd47088)
> NT: upnp:event
> Timeout: Second-1800
> Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
> User-Agent: Â GUPnP/1.0.1 DLNADOC/1.50
> Connection: Keep-Alive
< HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorised
< Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1487271880
< Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 5 (0xd4e938)
< Content-Type:Â
< Content-Length: 0
< Connection: close
##### A SUBSCRIPTION WAS LOST!!!!!!!! #####
Reason: Unauthorised , Code: 0
The name of the device that was lost was: [TV]UE32ES5505
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1487271880
< Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 6 (0xd4ed38)
< Date: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:20 GMT
< Server: Rex 1.0, UPnP/1.0, Samsung UPnP SDK/1.0
< SID: uuid:0bebc200-00c8-1000-b773-c4731e31b9dd
< Timeout: Second-1800
< Content-Length: 0
< Connection: close
Device [TV]UE32ES5505 volume is now 5
> SUBSCRIBE /smp_21_ HTTP/1.1
> Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1487271944
> Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0xd42898), SoupMessage 7 (0x72613e20), SoupSocket 7 (0xd47168)
> SID: uuid:0f7f4901-0004-1000-986e-c4731e31b9dd
> Timeout: Second-1800
> Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
> User-Agent: Â GUPnP/1.0.1 DLNADOC/1.50
> Connection: Keep-Alive
< HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition Failed
< Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1487271944
< Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 7 (0x72613e20)
< Content-Type:Â
< Content-Length: 0
< Connection: close
##### A SUBSCRIPTION WAS LOST!!!!!!!! #####
Reason: Precondition Failed , Code: 0
The name of the device that was lost was: [TV]UE32ES5505
'urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1' Device '[TV]UE32ES5505' Unavailable with type: 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1'
** (process:2024): WARNING **: No notifications found for variable LastChange
** (process:2024): WARNING **: No notifications found for variable LastChange
Removing device [TV]UE32ES5505 from device list
TV state [TV]UE32ES5505 set to off
Set unsubscribed
Removing Notify for av_transport
Set unsubscribed
Removing Notify for rc_transport
Removing from hashtable
### Terminating eventloop... ###