Re: Systemd status for rygel service

2016-02-19 13:29 GMT+01:00 Jens Georg <mail jensge org>:


I'm starting rygel without an initial database and it seems to take many hours to initialize the database (I believe it used to be much faster).

Do you have numbers? With the addition of mx-extract, it is supposed to be a bit slower because it runs with nice level 19, but hours sounds a bit off. How much data are we talking about

I have something like 50 000 images. It seems to spawn a new process for each?

Anyway, it would be nice if the current status could be shown using sd_notify()
Like "Status: Creating initial database 10% complete" or "Status: Serving 3 files, last xxxxx.mpg" 

First one can't really, because Rygel has no idea on how much data it has to index. Second one could be done. Mind filing an enhancement bug so it doesn't get lost?

Would it work if it checked how many directories there are and then show % for how many dirs are scanned?

-- john 

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