Re: Rygel created UPnP stream help please

On Do, 2013-03-07 at 16:43 +1300, Andrej Falout wrote:
Hi *,

I am trying to use Rygel to create a UPnP compliant audio stream.
Hopefully I did not misunderstand Rygel completely, and it can be used
for this purpose (?)

Well we can't really guarantee the compliance. We assume it's matching
for files the have identified as such or our transcoded streams (apart
from WMV).

To avoid any trans-coding issues at this stage, I defined a GstLaunch
source as :

my-launch=audiotestsrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! lamemp3enc
target=quality quality=6

This should generate a sine test tone and encode it as mp3

I searched docs for a while trying to guess the URL of the stream the
(hopefully) Rygel created with this configuration, but with no luck.

No, you can't really guess it if you don't know how URIs are generated.

GstLaunch-Message: rygel-gst-launch-plugin.vala:28: Plugin 'GstLaunch'
disabled by user, ignoring..

And with this line, you'll never be able to find it. You need to add
"enable=true" to the [GstLaunch] section.

In short - how can I find out URL (port number) of the UPnP stream
created by Rygel?

In general it's

ip is the interface Rygel is bound to, port can either be configured in
rygel.conf or set via -p commandline parameter. "/i/" denotes an item
and the base64 stuff is plug-in specific and the extension optional

For GstLaunch it is the part before -launch, so in your case my.

Let's say you've started rygel with -p 12345 -n lo, you'd have something
like: or

Is there a way to specify port for the stream that will be created,
maybe even with mountpoint? (eg the xxx.mp3 part that I will pass to
the renderer  after the http://hostname:port part)

Most of the time it's not possible to specify the filename.

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