Re: rygel-0.4.2 will not start


On Sat, Oct 31, 2009 at 1:03 PM, John Frankish <j-frankish slb com> wrote:
> The ps3 was pretty much the same, I could see the music folder structure, but not the mp3 tracks. Navigating the folder structure was very slow and I could not copy or get information on the tracks using the ps3 green triangle button - as before I got dnla protocol errors 7531, 2104 and 2006

  Do you happen to have gstreamer mp3 decoder installed on your
system? If not, please install it. Infact do that for all codecs if
you want rygel to be able to extract and provide PS3 all metadata so
it doesn't try to extract that on it's own (based on my experience, i
believe thats what makes browing in PS3, slow).

  Once you have all codecs you have your media in, remove the media
metadata db (rm $HOME/.cache/rygel/media-export.db) and re-run rygel.

> The roku soundbridge could not "see" rygel at all...
> I'm using the following with rygel - atk, cairo, pango, glib2, gtk2, expat2, libxml2, pixman, dbus-glib, dbus, gnutls, gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-bad, libgcrypt, libgee, libgpg-error, libgssdp, libgupnp-av, libgupnp, liboil, libsoup, sqlite3, shared-mime-info, shared-mime-info-locales - am I missing something?

   I doubt client not able to find Rygel could be caused by a missing
dep but more likely it expects something from us that we don't do. I
don't have one so i can't investigate maybe you can provide wireshark


Zeeshan Ali (Khattak)
FSF member#5124

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