Re: Bikeshedding the gnome-class mini-language


Jumping in the middle of a conversation here, apologies. :)

On 26 October 2017 at 17:23, Federico Mena Quintero <federico gnome org> wrote:
[replying to Adrián and Sebastian together, about default

On Thu, 2017-10-26 at 10:53 +0200, Sebastian Dröge wrote:
Same opinion here as Adrian, I don't like it :) A where clause seems

Also I like his other suggestion to auto-derive the setter/getter for
the trivial cases (but that needs some thought for thread-safe
GObjects then, as for those you'd like to take a mutex somewhere when
accessing the values)

I do like Adrián's suggestion about "where"; I'm putting it in the
notes doc.

Also, thanks for reminding me about mutexes and such.  In the code
generator as it is right now, we create a function

  fn get_priv(&self) -> &FooPrivate;

The user's method implementations use self.get_priv() to get the
private structure.

This is a &FooPrivate, not &mut FooPrivate.  In the tests/examples we
have right now, the assumption is that the user will implement interior
mutability as they see fit, e.g.:

  struct FooPrivate {
      x: Cell<i32>,
      y: RefCell<String>,

It would be easy to change the code generator to make get_priv() return
a &mut FooPrivate, but I'm not sure if this is the most Rusty thing.

I don't know how we could have automatic getters/setters if the user is
forced to do interior mutability in this arbitrary way - how would the
getter/setter know how your field is wrapped?

Personally I don't like automatic setters/getters very much.  My
reasoning is that if you are changing an object's property you really
want something else to happen (e.g. make a widget redraw itself).  If
your object is just a bag of state with no side effects, you may as
well use a struct...

With struct (or in Vala's case: Object) fields, you don't get the
advantages of properties:

* Notification signals on changes.
* mark them virtual so that subclass can implement them differently.
e.g the baseclass can choose to just go with the default setter/getter
but subclass might want to do something special on/before/after
setting/getting the property.


Zeeshan Ali

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