Dear Rhythmbox developers I want to write my own plugin to log extra data of my listening behavior but I'm having trouble to find the right attributes as I call them. I can find a lot of examples but they don't seem to work on the new version of Rhythmbox (2.96). Can someone tell me how to find basic attributes or functions that give me i.e. the title and artist of a specific song entry. I can navigate through the rhythmbox 'tree' but it is huge and I can't find useful functions or I don't know what arguments they need. Another question. If I type "dir()" in the Python Console, I get ['RB', '__builtins__', '__history__', 'shell']. How can I address the attributes under 'RB' and 'shell' in my plugin? Where do I find signals in this 'tree' of Rhythmbox like the signal that a song has changed whereto I can connect? To support my questions, I have pasted my draft plugin below. It may look messy. It is a collection of several snippets. I'm not yet experienced with programming in Python but I'm working on that... Thanks in advance Kind Regards Dimitri Van Dingenen from datetime import datetime, date, time from gi.repository import GObject, RB, Peas, Gtk import dbus import gobject from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop class TopList (GObject.Object, Peas.Activatable): object = def __init__(self): super(TopList, self).__init__() #Path of new menu item to create a playlist self.uiPlaylist = """ <ui> <menubar name="MenuBar"> <menu name="MusicMenu" action=""> <menu name="PlaylistMenu" action=""> <menuitem name="Top Hits Playlist" action=""/> </menu> </menu> </menubar> </ui> """ def do_activate(self): shell = self.object self.psc_id = shell.props.shell_player.connect("playing_song_changed", self.playing_song_changed) # First lets see if we can add to the context menu ui = shell.props.ui_manager # Create Actions for the plugin action = "" ('CreateList', ('Create TopList Playlist'),(''),"") activate_id = action.connect ('activate', self.Create_List, shell) # Group and it's actions self.action_group = Gtk.ActionGroup ('CreateListActions') self.action_group.add_action (action) ui.insert_action_group(self.action_group, -1) # Add to the UI self.uid = ui.add_ui_from_string(self.uiPlaylist) ui.ensure_update() def do_deactivate(self): shell = self.object print 'Deactivate!' shell.props.shell_player.disconnect(self.psc_id) # Clean up UI ui = shell.props.ui_manager ui.remove_ui(self.uid) ui.remove_action_group(self.action_group) def Create_List(self, action, shell): shell = self.object entry = shell.props.shell_player.get_playing_entry print 'Holy Smokes, not finished yet!' db = shell.props.db #Here I would like to do some math-magic on the 'database' to create a playlist. #next lines didn't work: #(artist, title) = get_artist_and_title(db, entry) #artist = entry.get_string(RB.RhythmDBPropType.ARTIST) #title = entry.get_string(RB.RhythmDBPropType.TITLE) #title = RB.RhythmDB.entry_get (self, entry, enum.RhythmDBPropType.TITLE) #title = entry.get_string(self, RB.RhythmDBPropType.TITLE) #artist = shell.props.db.entry_get(self, entry, RB.RhythmDBPropType.ARTIST) print "Listening to: %s by %s" % (title, artist) def playing_song_changed(self, entry, user_data): self.TimeCode=self.Now.strftime("%y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S") print self.TimeCode print 'song changed!' print entry #Here I would like to log all songs played longer than 50% in a 'database' #for now I'm playing to find useful attributes... #next line didn't work: #shell.props.shell_player.do_playing_uri_changed |