Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] tray icon behaviour

On Tue, 24 May 2011 10:41:49 +1000, Jonathan Matthew <jonathan d14n org> wrote
This change is intentional, for two reasons: it was mostly a
workaround for poor task switching, which has been fixed in GNOME 3,
or needs to be fixed harder if it's still a problem; and I think it
makes even less sense for the persistent representation of the
application itself (rather than just some of its state) to be a
message tray icon as opposed to a status icon.

The status icon plugin has been removed, because between the GNOME 3
message tray and Ubuntu's sound menu I don't think it has a place on
current desktops and I'm not interested in maintaining it, but if
someone wanted to revive it (removing the notification code,
obviously) and continue to look after it, I'd probably be okay with

It would be very nice if somebody picked up the project and continued to 
maintain it. It just, with all respect Jonathan, fortunately the pool of 
linux desktops is not limited by gnome, unity or kde for that sake. I've 
been a loyal user of RH/Fedora since 2003 and gnome was never my desktop 
of choice, but nevertheless I was happy to enjoy the gtk2 software. I 
was very upset to find that there is no tray icon support in rhythmbox, 
when I switched to F15 couple weeks ago. This is just to say that there 
is still a strong need in this project.

I'm running F13, F14 and F15 x86_64, should this matter.

/The nice thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from./

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