[Rhythmbox-devel] Python API Questions

I have a few questions regarding the Python API for Rhythmbox.  I've
recently imported my music collection at home to Rhythmbox running on
my work machine using sshfs, and a few oddities occurred during the
import.  I need to be able to several entries (not the files) as well
as update some of the metadata on the tracks.  I've worked out how to
iterate through the set of tracks and how to access the metadata for
them (using the code snippet here:
 However, I can seem to decern how to actually manipulate the
properties of tracks.

Is there an equivalent to: db.entry_get(entry, rhythmdb.PROP_TITLE)
for setting the property on an entry?

Also, I have a symlink in my home directory to the mounted sshfs and
some how I have entries that point along the symlink and that point to
the mount point.  For example:
/mnt/remotehome <- mount of home directory on remote machine
/home/mark/music <- symlink to /mnt/remotehome/music

And I have quite a few entries for along the lines of:

So I need to delete all entries that are like the second path (but not
the actual file as the first path points to the file).  I'm not really
sure how this ended up happening, and there are too many files like
this to delete.  I have a short Python script that determines what
entries need to be deleted, I just need to know what function(s) need
to be called to remove them.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Also, if anyone has any links to a tutorial or page(s) with sample
code of common task beyond what's on the gnome wiki that would be

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