Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] libunrest

On Fri, 2009-08-21 at 16:04 -0400, Matt Novenstern wrote:
> Hello all,
> 	I've been trolling through some rb bugs, and I noticed that there is no
> library for interfacing with RESTful services like the current
> implementations of,, and  So, I started
> writing one, which is currently at and
> works to a certain degree (there's a working lastfm demo in the examples
> dir, you need to run it as LD_PRELOAD=../src/ and I'm
> working on getting to work, which involves decoding gzipped
> http responses.  I've been trying to use zlib, which is supposed to be
> able to infalte gzipped data, but, I cannot for the life of me get it to
> work.  It seems to not like having a gzip header.  If anyone can help me
> fix that, there should be nothing stopping anyone from adding any number
> of web services to rhythmbox (and other programs).

There's code to decode gzip data in libgsf, and a simpler version in
totem-pl-parser (check the -podcast.c file, iTunes uses this to pass
podcast links around).


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