Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] [RFC] Multiple library locations
- From: Mats Taraldsvik <mats taraldsvik bickeringleague net>
- To: Christian Becke <christianbecke web de>
- Cc: rhythmbox-devel gnome org
- Subject: Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] [RFC] Multiple library locations
- Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2009 19:20:55 +0100
Great! Will the libraries appear in separate menu entries also? It would
be great if one could add a separate library for e.g audiobooks, have
that entry appear as a separate item in the menu, and rename it
If there are separate entries, I believe it solves some of the issues...
On Wed, 2009-03-25 at 19:01 +0100, Christian Becke wrote:
> Hi all,
> currently, if you use multiple library locations, browser state for
> additional library sources is lost when rhythmbox is restarted.
> I made a patch making additional library sources preserve state across
> restarts[1].
> Until now, additional library sources can only be added by editing the
> gconf key "/apps/rhythmbox/library_locations" using e.g. gconf-editor -
> so I am planing to edit the preferences dialog to allow selection of
> multiple library locations (see attached python demo).
> There are some implementation details that have to be decided upon:
> * If you have configured multiple library locations, and you choose to
> remove one of them, what should happen to the songs from the removed
> location? Should they be removed from the library or should they be
> kept? If they are removed, what about the metadata (play counts,
> ratings, etc.)?
> Currently, if you remove a song from the library (by right-clicking a
> song and selecting "Remove"), the removal time is recorded in RhythmDB
> and metadata is kept for a certain time (configurable via the gconf key
> "/apps/rhythmbox/grace_period"). So if you add the song again to your
> library during grace_time, metadata will still be there. Should this
> apply to songs from a removed library location as well?
> * If you rip a CD using rb, where should the files be saved? Currently,
> they are put in the first library location. Should there be some ui to
> choose where to put them?
> * Should there be drag and drop support, allowing to move files between
> different library sources within rb?
> Please try the patch from [1] and the attached python demo of the new
> preferences dialog I have in mind, and tell me your thoughts.
> Regards,
> Chris
> [1]
> plain text document attachment (
> #!/usr/bin/python
> import gobject
> import gtk
> import
> import urlparse
> class UI:
> def __init__ (self):
> self.gladeXML.signal_autoconnect (self)
> locations_tv = self.gladeXML.get_widget ("library_locations_treeview")
> self.library_locations_filechooserdialog = self.gladeXML.get_widget ("library_locations_filechooserdialog")
> self.remove_library_location_messagedialog = self.gladeXML.get_widget ("remove_library_location_messagedialog")
> self.keep_metadata_checkbutton = self.gladeXML.get_widget ("keep_metadata_checkbutton")
> self.locations = gtk.ListStore (gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN)
> self.locations_tree_selection = locations_tv.get_selection ()
> self.locations_tree_selection.set_mode (gtk.SELECTION_MULTIPLE)
> locations_tv.set_model (self.locations)
> locations_column = gtk.TreeViewColumn ("Library Locations")
> locations_column.set_expand (True)
> locations_tv.append_column (locations_column)
> cr = gtk.CellRendererText ()
> locations_column.pack_start (cr, True)
> locations_column.add_attribute (cr, 'text', COL_LIBRARY_LOCATION)
> new_files_column = gtk.TreeViewColumn ("Put new files here")
> new_files_column.set_expand (False)
> locations_tv.append_column (new_files_column)
> cr = gtk.CellRendererToggle ()
> cr.set_radio (True)
> cr.connect ("toggled", self.on_new_files_location_toggled)
> new_files_column.pack_start (cr, True)
> new_files_column.add_attribute (cr, 'active', COL_NEW_FILES_LOCATION)
> def run (self):
> gtk.main ()
> def run_library_locations_filechooserdialog (self):
> locations = []
> resp = ()
> if resp == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
> locations = self.library_locations_filechooserdialog.get_uris ()
> self.library_locations_filechooserdialog.hide ()
> return locations
> def new_files_location_toggled_foreach_func (self, model, path, it, toggled):
> if int (path[0]) == int (toggled):
> model.set_value (it, COL_NEW_FILES_LOCATION, True)
> else:
> model.set_value (it, COL_NEW_FILES_LOCATION, False)
> return False
> def on_new_files_location_toggled (self, cr, path):
> self.locations.foreach (self.new_files_location_toggled_foreach_func, path)
> return False
> def on_quit (self, *args, **kwargs):
> gtk.main_quit ()
> def location_is_valid_foreach_func (self, model, path, it, data):
> loc = urlparse.urlsplit (model.get_value (it, COL_LIBRARY_LOCATION))
> new = data[0]
> if new.scheme == loc.scheme:
> if new.path == loc.path or new.path.startswith (loc.path) or loc.path.startswith (new.path):
> data[1] = False
> return True
> def location_is_valid (self, location):
> data = [urlparse.urlsplit (location), True]
> self.locations.foreach (self.location_is_valid_foreach_func, data)
> return data[1]
> def update_new_files_location_foreach_func (self, model, path, it, found):
> if model.get_value (it, COL_NEW_FILES_LOCATION):
> found[0] = it
> return False
> def update_new_files_location (self):
> found = [None]
> self.locations.foreach (self.update_new_files_location_foreach_func, found)
> if not found[0]:
> gobject.idle_add (self.on_new_files_location_toggled, None, 0)
> return False
> def on_button_add_clicked (self, button):
> locations = self.run_library_locations_filechooserdialog ()
> location_added = False
> invalid_locations = []
> for loc in locations:
> if self.location_is_valid (loc):
> self.locations.append ([loc, False])
> location_added = True
> else:
> invalid_locations.append (loc)
> if location_added:
> gobject.idle_add (self.update_new_files_location)
> if invalid_locations:
> dlg = gtk.MessageDialog (parent=self.gladeXML.get_widget ("window1"),
> type=gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR,
> buttons=gtk.BUTTONS_OK,
> message_format="Some location(s) could not be added")
> dlg.format_secondary_text ("The following location(s) could not be added to the list of library locations:\n\n"
> "%s\n\n"
> "Possible reasons: either the location itself, "
> "one of its subfolders, or one of its parent folders is already added.\n"
> "Nested folders can not be added as library locations." %
> "\n".join (invalid_locations))
> ()
> dlg.destroy ()
> def on_button_remove_clicked (self, button):
> resp = ()
> if resp == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
> keep_metadata = self.keep_metadata_checkbutton.get_active ()
> if keep_metadata:
> print "Would remove songs from library, keeping metadata in rhythmdb."
> else:
> print "Would remove songs from library, removing metadata from rhythmdb."
> (model, pathlist) = self.locations_tree_selection.get_selected_rows ()
> pathlist.reverse ()
> new_files_location_removed = False
> for path in pathlist:
> it = model.get_iter (path)
> new_files_location_removed = (new_files_location_removed
> or model.get_value (it, COL_NEW_FILES_LOCATION))
> model.remove (it)
> if new_files_location_removed:
> gobject.idle_add (self.update_new_files_location)
> self.remove_library_location_messagedialog.hide ()
> if __name__ == '__main__':
> ui = UI ()
> ()
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> rhythmbox-devel gnome org
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