Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] hiding entry-view columns from a plugin

On Mon, 2009-03-16 at 00:17 +1100, Michael Gratton wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm writing a Python plugin that adds a new display column to the queue
> and library sources. Since I only have a 1024px screen, having 10+
> columns in the entry views for these tends to suck somewhat. The plugin
> will let me play around with merging some of those into a single "Track"
> column, to see how well it works.
> Initially, it is looking pretty promising[0], but at the moment I need
> to patch the RB source to get rid of the official columns. I'm wondering
> what a potential way of doing this is that might have a chance of
> getting committed.

That looks pretty cool.  Feels less cluttered than things are now.


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