Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] feature request

On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 03:49:21PM +0100, Jan wrote:
> Hi, im a big fan of rhythmbox, I'd like to request two features:
> - filtering the music rhythmdb.xml for duplicate songs; if the song's
> name, album, artist, song length and file size (but not necessarily
> file name) are an exact match then two songs are duplicates.

The mechanics of finding duplicates for a given track are pretty simple - 
see the recently added rb_removable_media_source_should_paste_no_duplicate
function.  Constructing a good UI for it and doing useful things with
duplicate songs once identified is another matter.

> - sorting by folder-path, often songs are grouped by a user in a
> logical way by coping them into folders, the order is now lost in
> rhythmbox.

This is already possible.  If you enable the 'location' column in the
preferences, you can then use it as the sort column as with any other

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