Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Just a suggestion

On 5/11/07, Aurélien Paulus <paupoo gmail com> wrote:
First of all I would like to say to all the programmers who work on
Rhymthmbox that they are doing a nice job.

I write you this mail to suggest you to developp, if it is possible, a
new fonction to this programm that would be really useful for people who
diffuse music at parties, like me. This fonction would be a possibility
to use a transition between two songs, a fade so.

It's actually being worked on in SVN (the current development version). If you'd like to track the progress, you can see the bug report here: I've been running it for about a month now and it's pretty stable. I've had some freezing problems, but that's apparently related to dmix and not a general problem.


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